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Latest news and updates from EvolvePlus

LoRaWAN People Counter Data Integration

Our battery-powered LoRaWAN People Counters offer a reliable, user-friendly, and affordable people counter solution that provides valuable insights and footfall traffic analytics to organisations. LoRaWAN is a Low Power, Wide Area (LPWA) networking protocol designed to wirelessly connect battery operated IoT sensors over long distances.

One of the key features of our LoRaWAN People Counters is the choice to push the traffic data to either the EvolvePlus Reporting & Analytics platform or to your own reporting platform.

The following provides an example of how organisations can push JSON data from the LoRaWAN People Counters using HTTP Integration within The Things Network community edition. 

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Introduction to PC Bookings and Print Management

For public libraries considering implementing a new PC Bookings solution with Print & Copy Management, we've published a new solution overview video. 

The video provides a brief introduction to the BookingsPlus cloud delivered solution and shows at a glance some of the features including PC reservations, PC session control, print and copy management, patron walk-up PC bookings, room bookings, event bookings and more.

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PC Bookings Settings for Social Distancing

There are several settings available within BookingsPlus to assist libraries to maintain social distancing for Patrons using Internet PC Bookings and Print Management.

These include:

Use the Out of Order feature to disable PC reservations and usage on specific PCs (e.g. every 2nd PC) to ensure Patrons  on every 2nd PC to ensure social distancing is maintained between each PC. 

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New Features for Occupancy App

We've recently enhanced our Occupancy application for the EvolvePlus Wireless Counters to provide an additional visual alert when displaying a live count of the number of people currently inside your building, which helps comply with COVID-19 social distancing regulations.

The Occupancy app has a new setting to provide a visual warning of when the occupancy is nearing the maximum occupancy threshold. The colours used in the display of the live count display are:

  • Green: when the current number of people inside is below the maximum or warning threshold
  • Orange: when the current occupancy is getting close to the maximum threshold
  • Red (with additional message & sound alert): when the current occupancy has reached the maximum threshold

The live count total is displayed on a responsive designed web page compatible with TV screens, desktops, tablets and smartphones that can be mounted at the entrance or accessed remotely by staff. The live count total constantly updates higher or lower depending on the number of people entering or leaving the various entrances.

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Connected Occupancy Clicker

With Governments imposing social distancing regulations to flatten the curve of COVID-19 businesses are now required to control the number of visitors entering their venue, facility or shop. Many have responded by assigning physical personnel to control the customer traffic at their entrances/exits.

The Connected Occupancy Clicker is a web app that is designed for use by security guards, attendants, greeters, concierge to manually count customers entering or exiting multiple entry/exit points. The recorded count data is automatically synchronized across multiple devices and provides a live occupancy count which can be displayed on TV screens, desktops, tablets and smartphones.

When the occupancy limit is reached, a visual alert appears on both the Connected Occupancy Clicker and the associated screen display.

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EvolvePlus Appointed as Preferred Supplier for WALGA

WALGA has appointed EvolvePlus as a Preferred Supplier for the provision of Library Management Systems (LMS) to Local Government in WA. With EvolvePlus being a pre-qualified supplier it provides councils with a streamlined procurement process for implementation of the Aurora Library Management System without the overheads of a lengthy tender process.

Developed in Australia, Aurora LMS goes beyond the traditional library information system to deliver an extensive range of features that improves productivity of your library service including floating collections, suggestion management, inter-library loans and patron newsletters. Aurora helps staff to be more effective and more efficient at managing library information.

Whether your library service is a single service library, has widely distributed branches, or is part of a consortium, Aurora provides unified library management resulting in improved public access, flexible and intelligent stock management, email & SMS notices, and greater administrative control.

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Occupancy Display People Counter

Versatile yet simple, the EvolvePlus Occupancy Display Counter is battery-powered and features a built-in LCD display. The discreet display enables easy data collection by displaying real-time count data showing separate directional counts and current number of people inside.

By means of advanced techniques and protocols, it is possible to detect the direction that a person walks through the horizontal beam emitted from the Transmitter. The two direction counts and total people inside calculation are clearly visible in real-time on the LCD display. 

Features include a 6-digit LCD display, integrated brackets for easy yet sturdy mounting, long battery life and reads through glass. The counters can be fitted on Anti-Shoplifting Gates without causing any interference or standard entrances up to 8 metres wide.

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Occupancy People Counters

Our Occupancy People Counter solution featuring the People Inside Web Application enables organisations to view the number of people currently inside a venue. This feature is ideal for venues that are required to monitor capacity numbers in real time to comply with government regulations, liquor licensing laws, venue capacity limits, etc.

We currently have customers utilising this solution to assist with their compliance with the limits on organised gatherings due to the Coronavirus COVID-19 (internal gatherings of fewer than 100 people or outdoor gatherings of fewer than 500 people).

Our wireless people counters record the number of people entering and exiting a venue and automatically send the data every minute to the IMMOTION Cloud. We also offer Instant People Counters that relay data in real time without any lag to ensure you’re getting accurate to-the-second visitor numbers.

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Aurora Cloud Release v10.1.22

Version 10.1.22 of the Aurora LMS (Cloud Edition) has been released to all library customers. Highlights of the release include:


  • The ability to check a user’s address details has been updated. It is now possible to confirm an address down to the street level. The new process checks the street, street type, suburb and postcode and will promote more accurate address details in your data.
  • User Lists have been enhanced to provide options when the operator does not know the exact name of a user they are searching for.  Left and right wildcards may be added using % and a prompt for these will come up automatically if no match is found. This function is activated in Name Search only.
  • There is a new optional ability to bypass the reservation placement charge on the 'Place a reserve' screen. This provides an operator a way to place a free reserve for a user, when the payment for the reserve is normally deferred until the reserve is trapped. This override can be turned off and/or set only for specific operators.
  • The ability to create 'blanket' reservations by linking several reserves has been added to User Links. The first item scanned into Returns fulfills the request and removes the other linked reservations for that borrower. This enables an operator to place reserves on a large print, adult fiction and YA fiction of the same work, and the user will only receive one of these copies. More than one set of blanket reservations can be added to a single user.
  • Barcode browse has been added as a new search option in ‘Search Items’ this provides the ability to find items within the collection where they have special item barcodes or where the item barcode has been entered incorrectly


  • The Z39.50 search results have been modified to return a comprehensive set of results when searching specific libraries. The new process allows for more results to be returned for a single library search, however a multi library search will now only return the top 10 results per library.
  • Drag and Drop now caters for records that already contain previous image links. It now replaces the existing JPEG & THUMB links rather than adding new 856 tags. The new image is uploaded to the server and overwrites the previous one. This is a much more efficient workflow for the operator saving time and preventing errors.
  • The ‘Works to be done’ results list may now be refined by a database subset. Different departments can work on records without fear of writing over another departments records. This is particularly useful in a GLAM implementation.


  • A new tab in Key Reports called 'Filter Items', allows an operator to create a list of item barcodes that can be used in other functions. This is the first step in making it easier for operators to find and action works and items for batch processes. Another new tab, ‘Filter Works’ will be coming soon.
  • Collection Age of items in the statistics module no longer is limited by the start date of the CirculationHistory table. The program now uses date the item is added values which may have earlier dates due to a data conversion. These counts now also take into account the floating stock settings.
  • The expired trapped reserves report now contains a new checkbox option to allow trapped reserve items to be shown if; no notice has been sent, but the reserve has been deleted.


  • The background colour of the opening desktop screen can now be set per location. The same colour then persists on the status bar at the bottom of the screen. This helps operators know where the desktop they are working on is located. This is important for councils that use virtual workstations and/or floating profiles.
  • A new function 'Change URLs' has been introduced to the Batch Runs screen. This allows an Excel file with a specific structure to be used to amend catalogue record URLs in bulk.
  • A new shortcut icon is available on the desktop called 'Web reports available' this allows the operator to access a searchable list of all available web reports. There is also a section at the end that lists reports that are useful for the State Library statistical return. Please contact AIT if there are any reports that you would like added to this list.

The Aurora Library Management System is proudly developed in Australia to suit the requirements for Australian Public Libraries, Special Libraries, Education Library and Corporate Libraries. For more information on Aurora refer to the article Aurora LMS or Contact EvolvePlus for more information.


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New PC Bookings Website

We've launched a new dedicated website for BookingsPlus PC Bookings and Reservations at

The new site provides quick access to the key features including library public pc client session control, print & copy management and seamless integration to library management systems using SIP2 and web services.

BookingsPlus PC Bookings and Print Management solution is a cloud delivered solution providing libraries with an easy way to moderate the usage of Public PCs. Both staff and the library patrons can view availability and make booking reservations effortlessly with a minimum of fuss.

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Customising the PC Booking Client

The BookingsPlus PC Bookings client for Windows provides automated session control to ensure user sessions end on time, every time. Patrons login to their sessions using their library barcode and/or pin code, and once authenticated, patrons can view your acceptable use policy, which they must agree to comply with, before they can begin their sessions.

With BookingsPlus delivered as a Cloud PC Booking solution for libraries, you can customise the styling and branding of the PC Bookings client centrally without having to install any files individually on the library Public PCs.

Tip: display your logo on the login screen

To apply your library's logo to the welcome screen simply upload your logo via our EvolvePlus Support portal or email our helpdesk and we'll apply this to your BookingsPlus instance for you.

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People Counting and Privacy

In addition to accuracy, privacy is an important issue for many organisations implementing a people counting solution to ensure they remain compliant with the relevant GDPR and Australian data privacy regulations. 

The EvolvePlus Horizontal Wireless and Overhead Thermal IoT people counters are the ideal solution to provide anonymous traffic monitoring for all types of environments including office buildings, retail stores, libraries, public toilets, footpaths and leisure centres. 

Our Horizontal Wireless and Overhead IoT people counting solutions utilise Infrared and Thermal technologies to accurately measure footfall traffic in real-time without using cameras or capturing personal data.

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Entry Level Footfall/People Counters

Footfall/People Counter - LCD Screen Outdoor model shown

If you are looking for a reliable and effective footfall/people counter and on a tight budget - our range of entry level range of LCD screen counters are a ideal solution. We have Display People Counters suitable for indoor and outdoor use. The clear LCD screen on all our counters can display up to six digits and can cover an opening up to 8 metres wide.

All our LCD screen counters are battery-operated with battery life lasting up to two years. The light weight and simple installation of our LCD screen counters makes them perfect for a permanent position install or temporary installations. In fact, many of our customers move the counters around to different positions when gathering data - a further cost saving advantage. View our range of Display People Counters at:

Shop online at: or

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New People Counter Videos

We've updated the video section of our EvolvePlus website with several new support videos for the EvolvePlus people counter solution.

The new videos include:

  • Videos providing a step by step guide that shows how to change the batteries for the Wireless People Counters, USB People Counters and Display People Counters 
  • A video that provides a step by step guide on how to download data from the USB People Counter to a USB Memory Stick and upload to the IMMOTION software application

Other videos on the site include installing the IMMOTION people counter software application for Windows Server, an overview of the web application for viewing people counter statistics per hour, day, week, month and year, as well as an overview of EvolvePlus IoT wireless, USB and overhead thermal people counters.

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Measuring the Effectiveness of Digital Signage - IoT People Counters


For retailers and businesses alike, being able to separate your business from the marketing noise that surrounds us is the key to self-promotion. Digital signage is a versatile and effective means of self-promotion, but do you really know how effective your digital signage is? Is your message getting through to your audience or is your target audience engaging in your content? Measuring the success of digital signage is a painstaking task that without video tracking software or a physical interaction indicator is labour intensive and time-consuming.


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API for IoT People Counter Integration

A key feature of our EvolvePlus IoT People Counters solution is our IMMOTION software platform where data from our IoT traffic counters and devices are available from a unified dashboard & reporting platform. 

The platform enables organisations to analyse their people counter data using dashboards, reports and charts accessed via web browsers on desktops, tablets or smartphones. Users can filter by specific locations, positions, sensor and date/time periods ( hour, day, week, month, and year).

We also recognise the need for organisations to incorporate their people counter data into their Business Intelligence apps - so we make it easy for organisations to connect to the data platform using a range of APIs for your authorised BI apps to read the footfall data and incorporate in a combined dashboard. For example: Hourly People Count vs Sales, Hourly People Count vs Staff Rostering, etc.

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People Inside/Instant Receiver

People Inside


We’re all familiar with how traditional foot traffic analytics and semantics can be beneficial for rostering, store opening hours, understanding sales performance etc, but what if you’re a business that has strict patron occupancy regulations? Our People Inside Web Application and Instant People Counters have been designed just for this reason. 


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IPWEA International Public Works Conference

EvolvePlus is delighted to support the IPWEA International Public Works Conference being held from 25 to 29 August 2019 in Hobart, and is the largest public works Conference held in Australia

EvolvePlus offers an extensive range of people traffic counting solutions that deliver unparalleled accuracy and reliability. Our people counting systems solve a variety of traffic monitoring challenges for all types of public infrastructure including buildings, libraries, public toilets, footpaths and leisure centres, with models available for both indoor and outdoor use.

Whether you are trying to measure traffic to support project funding, optimise labour, determine usage, view occupancy or increase conversion ratios, the IMMOTION platform for Smart Cities offers a range of Internet of things (IoT) sensors to collect data and provides the ability to analyse the data to manage infrastructure and resources efficiently using data technologies such as NB-IoT, LoRaWAN, 3G/4G and Ethernet.

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Visit EvolvePlus at ALGIM Annual Conference

November 2019 is the inaugural exhibition of our Wireless People Counter solutions in New Zealand. EvolvePlus is delighted to support the ALGIM (Association of Local Government Information Management) at their annual conference being held from 4 to 6 November 2019 at TSB Arena Wellington.

EvolvePlus offers an extensive range of people traffic counting solutions that deliver unparalleled accuracy and reliability. Our people counting systems solve a variety of traffic monitoring challenges for all types of environments including council buildings, libraries, public toilets, footpaths and leisure centres, with models available for both indoor and outdoor use.

Whether you are trying to measure traffic to support project funding, optimise labour, determine usage, view occupancy or increase conversion ratios, the IMMOTION platform for Smart Cities offers a range of Internet of things (IoT) sensors to collect data and provides the ability to analyse the data to manage infrastructure and resources efficiently using data technologies such as NB-IoT, LoRaWAN, 3G/4G and Ethernet.

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Robust Clear-View, LCD/USB 2-1 Solution

At EvolvePlus we are proud to introduce the new Clear-View Robust Cover with LCD/USB 2-in-1 People Counting solution. 


Our Robust USB Solution (see here) has been popular with organisations looking for a people counting solution that is going to be used outdoors or out in the open in a public space. We have had a number of existing installs in places such as public toilets, outdoor entrances/exits, footpaths, hiking trails, and campgrounds.

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Our Products

People Traffic Counters
Counting Customers | Interpreting Information | Driving Decisions - More info...

Library Solutions
BookingsPlus | Netloan | Aurora | RefPlus | Sensify | My Reading List - More info...

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21 March 2025
Gain insights into your foot traffic with our new video overview of the EvolvePlus ePortal Cloud Dashboard.  This centralised web portal allows you to analyse people-counting data from multiple locations across...