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EvolvePlus Blog

Latest news and updates from EvolvePlus

Promoting health: Increasing stair climbing using a multifaceted intervention

We spend over 90% of our time inside built environments. With an economy that increasingly focuses on services, our working lives become overwhelmingly indoor and sedentary. Occupational physical activity has dropped to low levels so that for most people it no longer contributes significantly to overall physical activity. Less than half of Australian adults are sufficiently active for health (at least 30 minutes moving at moderate levels, such as brisk walking, per day). Moving more as well as breaking up sitting time, have great health benefits.

Climbing stairs is considered vigorous physical activity, similar in intensity to jogging or playing football. These activities are around eight times the body’s metabolic rate, or the amount of energy the body uses when resting or sleeping, or five to six times more than when sitting. Walking down the stairs, on the other hand, is not much different to walking on a flat surface and expends only twice the energy of when you’re sitting.

Stair climbing is great for health beyond energy expenditure only. Research has found that regular stair climbing can enhance longevity and increase aerobic capacity and muscle strength. Hence, using the stairs instead of the escalator or lift is a simple, free, and accessible way of incorporating more incidental physical activity into daily living.

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Pokémon Go - Measuring the Success using People Counters

Pokémon Go has become a global phenomenon since its release earlier this month. It is a augmented reality game for iOS and Android devices using the GPS and camera of a smartphone. Players capture, battle, and train virtual creatures, called Pokémon, who appear on their smartphone as though in the real world.

Business News Daily have written an article that describes how businesses can "capitalise on the craze by attract local players to your location", whilst The Age reports that "soon any business may be able to buy an in-game landmark, pretty much guaranteeing foot traffic for as long as the Pokémon Go craze lasts".

If your organisation is thinking about using Pokémon Go as a strategy to attract people to your location, then the EvolvePlus People Counters provide the ideal solution to accurately measure the success of your campaign and to visualise any visitor traffic increase. 

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Visit EvolvePlus at ALIA 2016

EvolvePlus will be exhibiting at the ALIA 2016 National Conference at the Adelaide Convention Centre from Tuesday 30 August to Thursday 1 September 2016.

Discover the exciting range of technology solutions & services we offer to libraries including:

  • Wireless Network, USB and Display People Counters (Indoor and Outdoor Models)
  • Sensify Online Community Platform
  • Brushtail PC, Event and Room Booking Management
  • Netloan PC Bookings and Print Management
  • RefPlus Customer Request & Reference Tracking
  • Web Reporting & Dashboards (Combining Data from People Counters, ILS and more)
  • My Reading List Online Summer Reading Program
  • VuFind Discovery Layer
  • ILS Data Migration

Come and visit us at booth 67 for a closer look or to take any of our solutions for a test drive!

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A people traffic counter solution for less than $500

The Micro LCD Screen People Counter with its dimensions of only 85x53x16mm is one of the smallest people counters available anywhere in the world today. Whether it’s used to help a retail store determine their sales conversion ratio or a library keep track of their visitor count, the Micro LCD Screen People Counter will help almost any type of business operate more efficiently.

The incredibly small size of the Micro Display People Counter makes it easy to mount to virtually any wall or door frame of up to 5 metres wide. The low power usage of the counters ensure that the single battery only has to be replaced once a year.

The People Counter sensor has a side fire beam which means it will be installed flat on the wall or door frame using the double-sided high quality foam tape (supplied). The display can be read easily and counts reset to zero via a special tool which is provided. The display orientation can be modified so that the counter can be fixed to either side of the doorway.

This Counter can be setup in minutes and there are no ongoing maintenance/support costs. The maximum display count value is 999999 (6 digits)

Further details can be found from our information page.

Order Now to get Micro Display People Counter for the fantastic price of AUD $465 (ex GST) including delivery to anywhere in Australia.


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Glen Innes Severn Library (NSW) goes LIVE with Brushtail for PC Bookings

Glen Innes Severn Library is using Brushtail Library Web Application to manage the public pc’s bookings. Patron authentication is handled directly through the Libero LMS powerful Web services API eliminating the need to purchase expensive SIP2 licenses. The Brushtail/Libero API integration offers unparalleled speed when authenticating a patron ID compared to SIP2 and other authentication methods.

The low set-up/on-going cost of the Open-Source Brushtail Library Web Application enables smaller public libraries to have a PC booking system, event bookings, room bookings, reference query tracking for a much cheaper price than comparable proprietary products.


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Community Centres - Collecting Visitor Data and Room Booking Management

EvolvePlus offers a range competitively priced people counter units to capture visitor numbers at Community Centres, Community Hubs, Community Recreation Centres and Neighbourhood Centres. Our people counters not only record detailed visitor numbers entering the centre but can also be placed within areas or doorways within the building to gauge people movement within the complex. For more info visit: or email: [email protected]  

Our easy-to-use hosted room bookings management application is a great way to start automating your room bookings for a very low start-up cost. For more info visit: or email: [email protected] 

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PC Bookings Management

The Berri Library (SA) is now using Brushtail to manage their pc bookings. Patron authentication is handled directly through the One Card Network operated by SirsiDynix LMS Web services API. The Brushtail/SirsiDynix API integration offers unparalleled speed when authenticating a patron ID compared to SIP2 and other authentication methods.

The Brushtail Library Services Platform is a next-generation Open-Source application that allows your library to do more less:

- less hardware.
- less maintenance.
- less cost.

Brushtail is fully hosted and runs from your browser, so you can work from any computer with an Internet connection. The public PC's are connected and controlled by Brushtail via a unique ID & Password setting. The set-up costs are very minimal and the expert hosting, support and maintenance supplied by EvolvePlus is very low compared to other commercial pc management systems.

Click here for more information

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Christmas Greetings to our Customers

Seasons Greetings!

We appreciate the continued support of our valued clients during 2015, and we look forward to being of service to you throughout 2016.

It has been exciting to see the continued growth in the number of organisations choosing our EvolvePlus People Counter Solutions - ranging from our wireless people counters through to our USB, display and micro people counters with web based statistical analysis. Stay tuned to our blog for exciting new People Counter, Library Technology and Online Community solutions that we will be releasing in 2016!

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EvolvePlus ILS Version 2.2

Totals displayed for each tab

Version 2.2 features significant enhancements to the EvolvePlus ILS product with a range of new functionality and configuration options that make EvolvePlus ILS even easier to use.

Highlights of the version 2.2 enhancements and include:

Global Enhancements:

Enhanced Main Screen (Search Screen when first log into Evolve):

  • Can scroll "search results", with the "top menu" and "search options" on left remain on screen
  • New Export and Print option for search results
  • Improved User Interface
  • Improved sorting of search results
  • Add status filters to Holding search (e.g. Overdue items)

Record Details: each tab displays number of records (e.g. number of messages for patron)

Preferences for each module will display in a separate section of the configuration (e.g. Catalogue preferences now grouped together)

New "Action Review" screen - which shows patron memos due for action, reserves on shelf,
Hold shelf removes,

Authority Module

Can link authorities across different tags (e.g. author 100 marc tag authority can be shared for a 710 tag - so that it exists as a single authority)

Can create groups of authorities (e.g. configure 100 and 710 tags as an Author authority group)

Link Authorities ( see / see also equivalent )

Patron Module

Add "due date" to memos

Display patron photo (where photos are store in a web folder using a common "key" as the image name)

Bulk Patron Delete functionality:

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ALIA Information Online Conference 2013

EvolvePlus/VuFind Stand

Many thanks to all the delegates who visited our stand at ALIA Information Online held in Brisbane on the week beginning Monday 11th February 2013. It was terrific to meet many new faces and catch up with known acquaintances. This was our first time exhibiting at the ALIA conference and we really appreciate the genuine interest expressed to our library technology products by delegates from all library sector delegates. Our Wireless People Counters, VuFind Open Source Discovery Layer support and EvolvePlus ILS (Integrated Library System) provided the strongest interest from the delegates.

From our prospective, the 2013 ALIA Online Conference proved to be an outstanding success due to it being well organised, centrally located in Brisbane, superbly catered, offered a comprehensive program and showcased quality library providers.

If you attended the conference and didn't get a chance to say hello you can find out more about our product range by dropping us a line at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., downloading a brochure or call (03) 9755 6200.

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Come and visit us at ALIA Information Online 2013

EvolvePlus will be exhibiting at ALIA Information Online 2013 at the Brisbane Convention and Exhibition Centre from Tuesday 12th to Thursday 14th February 2013.

Visit us at Stand 79 to take a look at our extensive range of library technology products that we have available for 2013 including:

  • VuFind Open Source Discovery Layer and EvolvePlus Discovery Gateway
  • EvolvePlus ILS (Integrated Library System)
  • RF People Counters with Remote Data Viewing
  • ResearchPlus Knowledge and Request Management
  • Online Reading Record

ALIA Information Online is the premier event for information professionals in the Asia Pacific region and this conference features the theme of "be different. do different.".

We hope to see you in Brisbane!

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RTC Implements EvolvePlus ILS

The Reformed Theological College (Geelong, Victoria) has recently completed its live implementation of EvolvePlus ILS, a leading edge web based library solution.

The implementation of EvolvePlus ILS included data migration of the college's Amlib Library System database. Using the integrated Discovery Layer students now have access to the unique web 2.0 discovery service often missing in traditional library system OPACs and have access to features such as tagging, faceted results, similar resource suggestions and can add comments/review.

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Evolving to meets your needs

At EvolvePlus, we understand that offering libraries just one dedicated software solution no longer satisfies the ever growing list of requirements for running a library in the 21st century. With this in mind, we are adding a whole suite of state-of-the-art web and library applications in addition to our existing Evolve Library Management Software and VuFind Discovery Layer support services.

Discovery Gateway

If you are looking at achieving a 'return on investment' for your subscription databases, ask us about our Database Discovery Gateway enabling a single search across multiple databases in a user-friendly and intuitive manner.

Brushtail Library Portal

EvolvePlus supports and hosts the open source Brushtail Library Portal that has been designed specifically for libraries and includes the following features and modules:

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Epworth Healthcare selects EvolvePlus ILS

EvolvePlus ILS, a leading edge web based library solution, has been selected by Epworth HealthCare’s  Library Manager as its library management system to replace its current DB/TextWorks system.
Epworth HealthCare provides acute medical and surgical services, sub-acute care, diagnostics and rehabilitation to more than 114,000 in-patients annually. Epworth HealthCare doctors and staff work in partnership to provide care and services equal to the world’s best. Epworth recognises research and teaching as integral to achieving excellence in patient care and supports many projects across all areas of health.

EvolvePlus enables Epworth to implement an affordable solution based on the latest Web technologies. The flexible application framework of EvolvePlus allows Epworth HealthCare to customise the system to suit its unique library environment and integrate EvolvePlus with other Epworth applications and mobile devices.

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Welcome to the launch of EvolvePlus

Welcome to the launch of EvolvePlus Pty Ltd.

The launch of our new company EvolvePlus heralds a new era for Australian libraries being able to choose a fully web based library solution which can be extensively customised to meet the needs of your library and your patrons.

The 'birth' of EvolvePlus Pty Ltd has been an exciting process for us - whilst we may appear to be a 'fledging' company our directors have extensive experience within Australian libraries, especially with implementing library solutions and migrating data from legacy systems.

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Our Products

People Traffic Counters
Counting Customers | Interpreting Information | Driving Decisions - More info...

Library Solutions
BookingsPlus | Netloan | Aurora | RefPlus | Sensify | My Reading List - More info...

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21 March 2025
Gain insights into your foot traffic with our new video overview of the EvolvePlus ePortal Cloud Dashboard.  This centralised web portal allows you to analyse people-counting data from multiple locations across...