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Footfall Traffic Report with Staff Ratio

Enter daily report criteria with staff ratio
Report with adjusted people counter totals for staff ratio

In our January 2021 article we described how our Overhead 3D People Counter solution can identify employees and exclude them from the footfall traffic counts. This provides greater accuracy of people counter analysis for sales conversion ratios, visitor numbers, etc. 

Whilst our Wireless and USB Infrared People Counters do not support using specially designed name tags to exclude staff from statistics, our EvolvePlus Reporting & Analytics platform does provide a daily statistics report to display total footfall traffic counts and an adjusted total based on your own calculated staff ratio.

For more information on accessing the Daily People Counter Reduced By Staff Ratio Report contact EvolvePlus.

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Exclude Staff from People Counter Statistics

For enhanced people counter analysis of sales conversion ratios, visitor numbers, live occupancy, client dwell times, etc. our Overhead 3D People Counter solution can identify employees and exclude them from the footfall traffic counts.  The onboard Artificial Intelligence (AI) detects staff wearing specially designed name tags without having to use additional computers or devices.

This results in more accurate customer counts, sales conversion ratios and live occupancy dashboards that don't require manual adjustments to exclude staff from the counts.

How It Works

  • Ensure the Overhead 3D People Counter sensor is installed at the recommended mounting height (3.0 to 3.5 metres for model PC2S) with suitable lighting levels
  • Create Staff Exclusion tags for staff to wear (refer below specifications)
  • Enable the optional Staff Exclusion plugin on the 3D sensor and configure the detection area to check either the left or right of the frontal upper torso of a person for the staff tag

Staff Tag Specifications

Height, width and shape:

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People Counter Videos

EvolvePlus has released a number of People Counter videos on our new product video website at

Our people counter product videos provide a visual representation of how the EvolvePlus People Counters can be used in different environments, as well as the showing how easy it is to deliver in-depth analysis on your traffic counting statistics.

The most recent videos published on the site are:

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Community Centres - Collecting Visitor Data and Room Booking Management

EvolvePlus offers a range competitively priced people counter units to capture visitor numbers at Community Centres, Community Hubs, Community Recreation Centres and Neighbourhood Centres. Our people counters not only record detailed visitor numbers entering the centre but can also be placed within areas or doorways within the building to gauge people movement within the complex. For more info visit: or email: [email protected]  

Our easy-to-use hosted room bookings management application is a great way to start automating your room bookings for a very low start-up cost. For more info visit: or email: [email protected] 

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Hourly Attendance Figures - Get all your entrances covered

USB Counters

Just Released! - A completely new wireless battery operated people counter unit that can be positioned in any remote location to register people traffic on an hourly basis. The valuable collected data can be transferred on to any common USB memory stick and then uploaded into special viewing software on your PC Workstation.

This will now allow you to gain hourly attendance figures from all your entrances complied into the one viewing application without having to worry about networking interference and dropouts between the counters/routers.By simply connecting a USB memory stick to the counter, the entire counter memory is automatically transferred across on to the USB. The viewing software is designed only to import new data when the USB data file is opened.

With our new battery operated USB stick counters - every entrance/exit of your building/area can be now covered.

For more info visit:

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