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New release of EvolvePlus Cloud Dashboard

We are thrilled to unveil the release of ePortal Version 4 – the latest iteration of the EvolvePlus Cloud Dashboard. This innovative platform meticulously analyses people counter data obtained from a variety of sensors, including Overhead, Wireless, and USB. The footfall analytics derived from this data offer valuable insights into peak visitor traffic, venue occupancy, staffing needs, and optimal bathroom cleaning schedules.

Version 4 marks the ongoing evolution of the EvolvePlus Cloud Dashboard, featuring simplified menus, enhanced mobile optimization, and an expanded array of new reports and charts. Explore the future of analytics with ePortal Version 4 and gain unparalleled insights into your facilities.

The following are some of the new features and enhancements available in Version 4.

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Enhancements to People Counter API

Analytics API for EvolvePlus People Counters

The ePortal API for our EvolvePlus Cloud Dashboard delivers footfall data from our Overhead 3D, Wireless and USB people counters in JSON format. 

The valuable information delivered via the API provides in-depth traffic insight to determine optimal operating hours, staffing requirements and peak visitor times, with organisations able to utilise the data within their own analytics applications such as Microsoft PowerBI and Zoho Analytics. 

With the release of version 1.2, the ePortal API has been enhanced to include support for our latest Wireless LoRaWAN people counters available in horizontal and overhead models. LoRaWAN is a Low Power, Wide Area (LPWA) networking protocol designed to wirelessly connect battery-operated IoT sensors over long distances.

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New People Counter Dashboard Release

ePortal Footfall Traffic Analysis

Our cloud-delivered EvolvePlus ePortal web application is developed in Australia and provides data-driven analysis with dashboards and reports across our IoT product range. Our IoT sensors include Overhead 3D, Wireless and USB people counters, indoor air quality sensors and smiley feedback counters. 

Our latest release of the ePortal application (v3.3.0) has been released this month and includes the following new features and enhancements:

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Footfall Traffic Report with Staff Ratio

Enter daily report criteria with staff ratio
Report with adjusted people counter totals for staff ratio

In our January 2021 article we described how our Overhead 3D People Counter solution can identify employees and exclude them from the footfall traffic counts. This provides greater accuracy of people counter analysis for sales conversion ratios, visitor numbers, etc. 

Whilst our Wireless and USB Infrared People Counters do not support using specially designed name tags to exclude staff from statistics, our EvolvePlus Reporting & Analytics platform does provide a daily statistics report to display total footfall traffic counts and an adjusted total based on your own calculated staff ratio.

For more information on accessing the Daily People Counter Reduced By Staff Ratio Report contact EvolvePlus.

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New People Counter Charts

ePortal Chart

Our ePortal web application enables insights of people counter movements via dashboards and analysis reporting across our various traffic counter sensors including Wireless, LoRaWAN, USB, Overhead Thermal and Overhead 3D with AI.

The ePortal module is available for Cloud editions of our People Counter solution, with version 3 featuring new interactive charts and monitoring of the sensor status.


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People Traffic Counters
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12 November 2024
EvolvePlus is expanding its Overhead People Counter product lineup with the launch of the new Overhead Stereo Vision People Counter. Our new entry-level Overhead Stereo Vision People Counter leverages cutting-e...