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Latest news and updates from EvolvePlus

Overhead People Counter with WiFi Connectivity

In the rapidly evolving landscape of retail, office facilities, and public spaces, our Overhead 3D People Counter solution provides highly accurate people counting in a range of buildings, including shopping centres, retail stores, art galleries, public libraries, leisure centres, office buildings, government facilities and transport hubs. They play a pivotal role in gathering valuable data to optimise operations, enhance customer experiences, and make informed decisions.

Our Overhead 3D People Counter solution is now available with optional WiFi Connectivity. The wireless connectivity allows for easy installation and setup. By connecting to your building's WiFi, there is no need for complicated wiring or infrastructure. The advantage is particularly beneficial in environments where aesthetics and convenience are crucial, allowing organisations to set up counters without disrupting the existing infrastructure.

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N-Tick Approved by NNNCo

NNNCo T-Tick Approved

The EvolvePlus LoRaWAN People Counter has been N-Tick approved by NNNCo. The ‘N-Tick Network Approved Programme’ ensures that the EvolvePlus People Counters have been reviewed and validated by NNNco to operate over NNNCo’s telco-grade enterprise LoRaWAN network worldwide.

NNNCo is a 100% IoT telco and one of Australia’s leading LoRaWAN network carriers. Partnering with NNNCo enables councils, government agencies and enterprises to deploy and scale our EvolvePlus IoT footfall traffic sensors and integrate the analytics into their existing IoT platform.

The EvolvePlus LoRaWAN People Counter provides accurate footfall traffic counting for both indoor and outdoor environments. Our LoRaWAN people counting solution solves various traffic monitoring challenges for all types of environments, including libraries, galleries, public toilets, office buildings, retail stores, shopping centres, park entrances, council facilities, meeting rooms, leisure centres, and pedestrian paths. The battery-powered people counters are bi-directional and will count both ‘In’ and ‘Out’ directions with wireless data connectivity to LoRaWAN gateways.

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Footfall Traffic Report with Staff Ratio

Enter daily report criteria with staff ratio
Report with adjusted people counter totals for staff ratio

In our January 2021 article we described how our Overhead 3D People Counter solution can identify employees and exclude them from the footfall traffic counts. This provides greater accuracy of people counter analysis for sales conversion ratios, visitor numbers, etc. 

Whilst our Wireless and USB Infrared People Counters do not support using specially designed name tags to exclude staff from statistics, our EvolvePlus Reporting & Analytics platform does provide a daily statistics report to display total footfall traffic counts and an adjusted total based on your own calculated staff ratio.

For more information on accessing the Daily People Counter Reduced By Staff Ratio Report contact EvolvePlus.

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Exclude Staff from People Counter Statistics

For enhanced people counter analysis of sales conversion ratios, visitor numbers, live occupancy, client dwell times, etc. our Overhead 3D People Counter solution can identify employees and exclude them from the footfall traffic counts.  The onboard Artificial Intelligence (AI) detects staff wearing specially designed name tags without having to use additional computers or devices.

This results in more accurate customer counts, sales conversion ratios and live occupancy dashboards that don't require manual adjustments to exclude staff from the counts.

How It Works

  • Ensure the Overhead 3D People Counter sensor is installed at the recommended mounting height (3.0 to 3.5 metres for model PC2S) with suitable lighting levels
  • Create Staff Exclusion tags for staff to wear (refer below specifications)
  • Enable the optional Staff Exclusion plugin on the 3D sensor and configure the detection area to check either the left or right of the frontal upper torso of a person for the staff tag

Staff Tag Specifications

Height, width and shape:

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People Counter Software Implemented on macOS

Our USB and Wireless People Counter solutions include the SensorServer software application - which customers can choose the On-Premise edition for installation on their own server/PC, or they can choose to use the Cloud edition delivered from the EvolvePlus cloud infrastructure.

Up to now the On-Premise edition has been installed on the Windows operating system.  We are pleased to announce that we have successfully implemented the SensorServer software for our People Counters on the Apple macOS operating system.

Gertrude Contemporary, a not-for-profit gallery and studio complex that has been supporting contemporary artists for over 30 year, uses Apple iMacs as their primary IT platform. 

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Visit EvolvePlus at EduTECH 2017

EduTECH 2017 is taking place 8th and 9th June 2017 at the International Conference Centre in Sydney, and is the largest education expo in the entire Asia Pacific region.

EvolvePlus is proud to support EduTECH 2017 and we will be have an exciting range of productivity & technology solutions on display for libraries, schools and tertiary education including:

  • Million Word Reading Challenge App
  • PD Manager
  • Wireless People Counter Solutions, including 3G Connectivity, Infrared Sensor and Overhead Thermal Counters
  • Online Social Community Platform with Mobile Apps
  • PC, Event and Room Booking Management
  • Customer Request & Reference Tracking
  • Aurora Library Management System
  • Web Reporting & Dashboards (Combining Data from People Counters, ILS and more)

We will be at stand 150 in the "Libraries Zone" - come and visit us to learn more about our Productivity & Technology solutions for Libraries and Education.

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Our Products

People Traffic Counters
Counting Customers | Interpreting Information | Driving Decisions - More info...

Library Solutions
BookingsPlus | Netloan | Aurora | RefPlus | Sensify | My Reading List - More info...

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12 November 2024
EvolvePlus is expanding its Overhead People Counter product lineup with the launch of the new Overhead Stereo Vision People Counter. Our new entry-level Overhead Stereo Vision People Counter leverages cutting-e...