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EvolvePlus releases SIP2 Support for VuFind

VuFind Patron Renew using SIP2

EvolvePlus has released VuFind SIP2 integration for our LMS drivers - providing a seamless experience for patrons to place holds, cancel holds, renew items all within the VuFind application.

The benefit of incorporating the above patron functionality is libraries no longer need to link from VuFind to their original LMS OPAC for processing reservations and renewals.  We have developed a separate SIP2Gateway web application that provides easier integration across library systems supporting the SIP2 standard without having to incorporate the SIP2 functions for every separate VuFind LMS driver.

For Amlib library customers it means that the VuFind Managed Services offered by EvolvePlus can completely replace the existing NetOpacs and OpenOPAC modules - providing library patrons with an enhanced discovery layer experience with an optimised mobile phone interface, whilst library staff can continue to use Amlib for cataloguing & circulation. Note: Amlib customers will require a valid license for the Amlib SIP2 Manager module to be able take advantage of the VuFind SIP2 connectivity.

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VuFind Discovery Layer

Resource discovery systems like VuFind have developed rapidly over the last few years and have now largely established themselves as the industry standard replacing the ‘traditional’ OPACs of the previous systems development cycle. The VuFind discovery system is inspired by internet search engines and social media and provides your library users with a universal search and discovery experience.

With VuFind, you can now realise the previously illusory goal of the unified ‘single search interface’, and at the same time allowing for a personalised and interactive engagement between information seekers on the one hand, and library resources on the other.

Find out more - don't be left behind!

Reference Sites:

Screenshot Example: Displays live Author Bio Wikipedia feeds along with related subjects to enhance the user experience.

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Enhancements to VuFind Discovery Layer for Amlib

The VuFind Discovery Layer enables libraries to provide patrons with a unique web 2.0 experience with a mobile phone interface often missing in traditional library system OPACs.

EvolvePlus develops a range of LMS drivers for real-time integration between VuFind and the library's LMS. One of the popular integrations  we have developed is between the Amlib library system and VuFind.

Based on customer feedback we continue to enhance the Amlib LMS driver for VuFind, and have recently released the following new features:

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VuFind in use at Mornington Peninsula Library Service

Mornington Peninsula Library Service is now using EvolvePlus VuFind managed service to provide exceptional catalogue discovery experience for their patrons.

The Mornington Peninsula Library Service which is located just over an hour’s drive away from the city, on Melbourne’s ‘doorstep’, and is often described as Melbourne’s playground is made up of four service points and one Mobile Library visiting 16 sites across the Peninsula.

The VuFind Discovery Layer managed service has enabled Mornington Peninsula Library Service to replace its Amlib NetOpac / Public Access with the powerful Discovery Layer solution provided by EvolvePlus. The impressive functionality of VuFind assists Mornington Peninsula Library Service become the centre of how patrons find, manage, discuss,  and engage with media content of all kinds in an increasingly electronic age with tagging, similar title suggestions, integrated search intelligence, faceted results and seamless LibraryThing integration

Some of the highlights of the project include:
•    Smart Phone Interface (e.g. for iPhones and Android Phones)
•    Mornington Peninsula Library Service can continue to use Amlib as its LMS whilst using VuFind Discovery Layer
•    Real-time integration with Amlib Holdings and Patrons using the LMS driver developed by EvolvePlus
•    Improve Search Performance by more than 300% across large searches
•    Interactive Patron Experience

Discover VuFind at Mornington Peninsula Library Service

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Kingston Enhances WebOpac Experience with EvolvePlus

Kingston City Libraries, a vibrant city library service located along Port Phillip Bay in Melbourne's South East, are now live with the VuFind Discovery Layer managed services from EvolvePlus.

The VuFind Discovery Layer managed services enables Kingston City Libraries to replace its Amlib NetOpac / Public Access with the powerful Discovery Layer solution provided by EvolvePlus. The impressive functionality of VuFind assists Kingston City Libraries become the centre of how patrons find, manage, discuss,  and engage with media content of all kinds in an increasingly electronic age with mashups, similar title suggestions, integrated search intelligence, faceted results, "More Like This" Resource Suggestions to name a few.

Some of the highlights of the project include:

  • Smart Phone Interface (e.g. for iPhones and Android Phones)
  • Kingston City Libraries can continue to use Amlib as its LMS whilst using VuFind Discovery Layer
  • Real-time integration with Amlib Holdings and Patrons using the LMS driver developed by EvolvePlus
  • Improve Search Performance by more than 300% across large searches
  • Interactive Patron Experience

Kingston Library Catalogue

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VuFind Discovery Layer successfully launches at Hobsons Bay Libraries

Hobsons Bay Libraries (Victoria) has become the first known Australian Public Library to use VuFind and in doing so allows users to search, browse and discover a wealth of information beyond the capabilities of a traditional WebOPAC.

The implementation and launch of the VuFind Discovery Layer has assisted Hobsons Bay Libraries to reinvigorate its community footprint and relevance. The state-of-the-art nature of the VuFind software has bred a new life into the library collection making it more visible and attractive to web users who are accustomed to that level of service.

The Vufind Discovery Layer has already become so popular with the library staff that they prefer to use it for searching over the Amlib Staff Application.

In regards to back-end administration, VuFind offers summary counts of conducted searches with breakdowns of successful and unsuccessful searches. Additionally, VuFind supplies detailed analysis of attempted search terms and popular records.

Management of patron comments and tags has become all the more manageable with the VuFind Manager application.

The discovery platform was released in conjunction with the much anticipated new interactive library website.

Congratulations to Hobsons Bay Libraries!!!

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Launch of EvolvePlus VuFind Manager Application

EvolvePlus VuFind Manager Comment Search

EvolvePlus has launched the VuFind Manager application for the VuFind Discovery Layer. The VuFind Manager application is an essential tool to assist authorised administrators to review patron comments and tags, and can be used to locate and remove offensive tags or comments from the VuFind Discovery Layer. It also enables authorised library staff to troubleshoot the VuFind account logins and the corresponding patron credentials from the source ILS.

Key features of the VuFind Discovery Layer are the integrated social features for Patrons to interact with the library catalogue, including:

  • Patrons add tags to Bibliographic records (folksonomy of descriptors or subject headings)
  • Patrons add comments to Bibliographic records (incorporating patron reviews and notes)

These tags and comments then become visible to the entire community using the VuFind Discovery Layer. The VuFind Manager application developed by EvolvePlus enables libraries to ensure that offensive tags or comments can be removed from their discovery layer.

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Version 1.3 of VuFind Discovery Layer Released

The latest version of the VuFind Discovery has been released with a range of significant enhancements:

  • New book bag feature for shopping-cart-style bulk actions (save, email, export multiple records)
  • New recommendation module plug-ins (visual timelines and Google Maps integration)
  • Enhanced RSS feeds that allow VuFind results to be easily shared with external services
  • Improved Syndetics integration

A key feature of the release is the new EvolvePlus theme designed using JQuery components and providing a fresh user interface experience for Patrons.

Customers with a valid EvolvePlus support agreement can Contact EvolvePlus to arrange for the installation/upgrade to Version 1.3 at no additional charge together with the new EvolvePlus theme.

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VuFind Discovery Layer - Powerful Search and Intuitive Browse Capabilities.

VuFind Browse Builder

Laura Larsell's insightful article titled 'Why browsing is so important to Content Discovery' is a must read for any librarian who is considering the implementation of a Discovery Layer. The article discusses the demise Browsing in favor of Search in the 'Information Age' and the author's aspirations to bring back browsing. Laura does not have to look any further than VuFind. The VuFind Discovery Layer offers functional Search and Browse capabilities.

The VuFind Discovery Layer incorporates powerful search function and is particularly great for browsing. In addition to the "More Like This" resource suggestions and faceted results search system; VuFind empowers the user with the ability to browse a catalog allowing them to explore the library holdings.

VuFind offers a useful browsing tool whereby the user is able to build a browse list of results based on their interests.

Another useful browse feature provided by VuFind is the ability to list any numbers of stored persistent search links (Canned Searches). Libraries can set-up links to view all the DVD movies or music CD’s, etc in a collection.

Discover the capabilities of VuFind.

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VuFind Discovery Layer Available from EvolvePlus

VuFind Example

VuFind Discovery Layer is available from EvolvePlus as a Managed Service.

EvolvePlus is pleased to announce that it is VuFind's commercial support provider to libraries throughout Australia. Our extensive range of VuFind services available to our customers include:

  • VuFind Managed Services Agreement with Customer Support & Helpdesk
  • VuFind Implementation, Configuration and Customisation
  • VuFind ILS Driver Configuration and Development (connecting VuFind to your existing library system)
  • VuFind Project Consulting

EvolvePlus provides libraries with the unique choice of retain its existing ILS and replace just the OPAC with EvolvePlus implementing the VuFind Discovery Layer as a managed service.

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